The conference will be held in Queen's Buildings, Cardiff University, 5 The Parade, Cardiff CF24 3AA, UK.
Event Locations:
Registration Desk: Foyer at Trevithick Entrance
Graduate School (Mon-Tue): WX/3.07 (third floor)
Co-located IQmulus Workshop (Tue): C/2.07; Lunches and Coffee Breaks: C/2.11 (second floor)
SGP Conference (Wed-Fri): Faculty Lecture Theatre T/2.09 (second floor, upstairs from the Trevithick foyer)
SGP Conference Lunches and Coffee Breaks (Wed-Fri): Seminar Rooms 1&2 (ground floor)
Conference Banquet: Cardiff Castle (see the map above)
Conference Reception & Posters: Viriamu Jones Gallery, Cardiff University Main Building (see the map above)
Please enter the building at the Trevithick entrance, which is on your right hand side after passing the car park barrier. There are signs in the building to guide you between these rooms. You may also get assistance from local participants.
See the following schematic diagram for room locations:
