
Invited speakers
Paper committee
Call for papers
Important dates
Traveling & Lodging
Social event
1st Symposium
2nd Symposium
3rd Symposium

Submission procedure

Note: The paper review for SGP 2006 is double-blind. Please DO NOT list the author names inside your paper or any other submitted material. List the paper number instead following the EG guidelines described in the style package below.

We ask for submission of original and unpublished work, not concurrently submitted to any other venue. It is required that at least one of the authors of every accepted paper participates in the symposium and presents the work.

The proceedings of the symposium will be published in the Eurographics Proceedings Series, in cooperation with ACM SIGGRAPH. Thanks to our sponsors, for the first time, the proceedings of SGP 2006 will be printed in full-color throughout.

SGP 2006 uses a fully electronic online submission process

online submission site

consisting of a two step procedure with tight deadlines:

Abstract submission until April 19, 2006,
11:59PM PST
Paper submission until April 26, 2006,
11:59PM PST

Each submitted paper will be reviewed by at least three senior researchers in geometry processing, including at least two SGP 2006 program committee members. The list of accepted papers will be finalized at a virtual program committee meeting. After notification on May 17, the publication timeline for accepted papers is:

Camera ready copy
+ EG copyright assignment form
until May 24, 2006
Presentation at the conference June 26-28, 2006

Authors experiencing problems with electronic submission of contributions should contact the paper committee co-chairs directly.

Abstract submission: Authors are requested to submit an abstract of their paper at the online submission site. The abstract submission should contain the names all the authors, the contact information of the corresponding author (name, e-mail, postal address, phone and fax numbers), and the title and abstract of the submission.

Paper submission: Papers should be submitted online assuming a timely abstract submission. A paper for which an abstract was not submitted in time will not be reviewed. Submitted papers should be formatted according to the SGP 2006 styles guidelines listed below.

The length of a submitted paper should not exceed 10 pages. A submission can be accompanied by electronic supplementary material such as video files.

Camera ready copy: The final version of a paper must conform with the style guidelines below. Preferably, it should be typeset in LaTeX using the SGP06 LaTeX style files. The proceedings are being printed in full-color throughout, and therefore will have no separate color appendix. Authors are invited to include color illustrations and images throughout their whole paper.

For accepted papers a filled out and signed Eurographics copyright assignment form has to be sent before May 24, 2006, by mail or, preferably, by fax to:

c/o Institut f. Wiss. Rechnen
TU Braunschweig
SGP 06
Hans Sommer-Str. 65
D-38106 Braunschweig
Germany / Europe
Fax +43 316 8735420
